The Acorn BBC Master AIV is the host computer for the Acorn AIV (Advanced Interactive Video) system and runs the Domesday software. The Master AIV is an Acorn Master 128 8-bit computer with the optional 65C102 co-processor board and AIV SCSI board fitted.

The base Acorn Master 128 is a 2 MHz 6502 based computer with 128K of RAM. The 65C102 co-processor provides an additional 65C102 CPU running at 4 MHz as well as 64K of on board RAM dedicated to the co-processor.
Acorn BBC Master AIV internal view
The following photograph shows the internals of a BBC Master AIV. The machine is a stock AIV system including the coprocessor and AIV SCSI board. This machine was originally used by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and has been modified with Swedish key-caps: